divendres, 19 d’octubre del 2007

About me

Hello There,

Today I am going to talk about myself since my beloved german friend ask me to do it for releaving my cronical Durham sadness.
Her propousal was to write about my feelings when I think in the concept of nothing, that is to say, when nothing is written, when nothing is said, when nothing is settled, when you start a white page and the other
thing to write about is 10 nice things that I like about myself. So, let's go!

Nothing for me is fear, is darkness, is solitude, is lonlyenss, is my rented house in Durham, is you, me and the world. At the end of the day, we are nothing, we can be replaced by anyone just 5 or 6 friends, lovers or relatives will take us in their souls, so what?!. However, when nothing is written, when nothing is said, when nothing is settled we can do whatever we want and whenever we want, in that case, nothing is great because you can develop your own creativity and yourself.
10 things that I like about myself;

0. My green eyes.
1. My smile.
2. My hands.
3. My tatoo.
4. My teeth.
5. My understaning capacity.
6. My hability to cook.
7. I like to listen others.
8. I am able to adapt to different people and situations.
9. I am able to say: Yes, you are right and I am wrong, I am sorry and thank you.
10. I love my friends as part of me.

Thank you babe!